May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature

May’s Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature

The month of May; a time of blooming buds, brighter skies, and a variety of appreciation days ranging from mothers to the Star Wars franchise. We are in a season of growth and gratitude. Overall, it’s a pretty exciting time. 

To top it off, here’s this month’s list of the most anticipated LGBTQ literature. From memoirs to fantasy to poetry, this list has you covered whether it’s for your own flourishment or to gift a teacher, nurse, or any of the others celebrated during May.

Follow Brody Parrish Craig as they reconcile southern and queer identities with their new collection, Boyish: Poems. Starting with a Louisiana Baptist upbringing and growing into transgender liberation, Boyish dreams of a nonbinary utopia by emphasizing the necessity of upheaval of systemic oppression to dismantle the status quo. 

Take a look at Jamal Jordan’s Queer Love in Color. Featuring photographs and the stories of couples and families across the United States, this compilation examines the intersection of POC and Queer identity while honoring love across a diverse spectrum.

Read the tender story of Michael Koresky and his mother in Films of Endearment: A Mother, a Son, and the ‘80s Films That Defined Us. Now a film critic, Koresky reflects on the female-driven movies of the ‘80s he and his mother watched during his childhood. This memoir is poignant and profound as it celebrates the bond between a mother and son. 

Learn of Eve Adams in Jonathan Ned Katz’s biography, The Daring Life and Dangerous Times of Eve Adams. Adams was an early and daring activist that pushed boundaries with her book Lesbian Love in 1925, leading to her eventual arrest and deportation back to Poland, where she ultimately is murdered in Auschwitz. This is the first biography that celebrates Adams’ intense life, and it even contains a reprint of her long-lost book.

Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned enemies-to-lovers storyline? Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar reenvisions the concept after popular Hani comes out as bisexual, but isn’t believed because she has only dated guys. Panicking, Hani claims she’s dating Ishu, someone her friends hate. Hani and Ishu make a pact and start fake dating, but this only gets complicated once they start developing real feelings for one another.

Sarah Schulman is releasing a new book that has been twenty years in the making. Based on over two hundred interviews, Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993, explores the legendary group ACT UP’s inner workings, conflicts, and achievements during the AIDS crisis. This 800-page tome showcases the diverse and often ingenious tactics that ACT UP employed, from direct actions on corporate and government buildings to weaponizing art and advertising; Schulman documents and unpacks the wide scope of work this historic coalition undertook in their fight for AIDS treatment for all. 

Every fantastic book released this month is an opportunity to learn and grow. Go ahead, peruse the list, and enjoy one of May’s most anticipated LGBTQ books. As always,  if our list is missing an author or a book, or if you have a book coming out next month, please email us.

May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature

LGBTQ Studies

May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature


May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature

Young Adult Literature

May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature

Children’s/Middle Grade Literature

May's Most Anticipated LGBTQ Literature
